The MIT-Ukraine Program is committed to mobilizing MIT’s scientific and technical expertise in support of Ukraine.

Mother Ukraine Statue Picture overlayed by MIT Great Dome
MIT from the birdview by Dominick Reuter, 2010.


The MIT-Ukraine Program at the MIT Center for International Studies mobilizes MIT’s scientific, technical, and academic expertise to support Ukraine’s immediate needs and long-term recovery. By engaging faculty, students, and researchers, the program fosters collaborative projects, applied research, and scientific partnerships that address Ukraine’s most pressing challenges—from infrastructure resilience to economic development, healthcare, and technological innovation. As a hub for Ukraine-focused initiatives at MIT, the program seeks to connect Ukrainian institutions, MIT experts, and global partners to drive meaningful, lasting impact.

Field of wheat under blue skies


Professional explaining map to a student. (stock photo)

MISTI Internships

MIT-Ukraine internships are aimed at completing hands-on projects for the Ukrainian government, NGOs, and business enterprises, either virtually or in select European countries.

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Student in a laboratory (stock photo).

Scientific Collaboration

MIT-Ukraine is participating in a number of collaborative research and educational initiatives designed to support Ukrainian scholars and the advancement of Ukrainian science.

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Field farmer robot (stock photo).

Applied Coursework

MIT-Ukraine initiates and coordinates faculty-student projects on critical infrastructure, economic development, housing, logistics, and other relevant topics.

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Build for Ukraine IAP 2025

Build for Ukraine

Build for Ukraine (IAP 2025) is a project-based class, which is run like an extended hackathon and is open to all members of the MIT community. The class focuses on several topics, including disinformation, energy resilience, prostheses, drone detection, and demining for Ukraine. Week 1 comprises background lectures and team formation; weeks 2-4 are dedicated to project development, culminating in final presentations on Thursday, January 30.

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Dr. Olena Pavlenko

Innovative Energy Solutions for Ukraine's Reconstruction

Dr. Olena Pavlenko, president of DiXi Group, is joining MIT-Ukraine as a research fellow in Spring 2025. She is conducting a collaborative research project to identify cutting-edge energy solutions for Ukraine's post-war reconstruction. Her project aims to bridge MIT's innovative research with Ukraine's urgent need for a sustainable, efficient energy system, as well as to foster long-term collaboration opportunities between MIT and Ukrainian researchers.

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